Back in 2000...

Laura discovered a handful of grape growers whose results in the vineyards with specific varietals have been truly amazing-year in, year out.

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Our first encounter with many of these growers was at a posta del viñatero, or “tavern of the grape grower”.

Here they drank wine and spoke passionately for hours about their soils, their vines, and their quest for superior flavors in their grapes.

We salute the hard work and skill of these growers by offering these vineyard-designated releases made solely with their special grapes.

Label Inspiration

Each La Posta label illustrates a story of these individual families. The labels were inspired by Art Nouveau and Art Déco designs of the 1920's and 1930's.

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Historia que cuenta Laura sobre el primer single vineyard de Argentina at an affordable price y la importancia de la identidad de cada vino gracias a la mano individual de cada productor.

One taste and you will welcome these growers into your own families, into your glass, and into your heart.



